Easy to buy. Easy to handle. Easy to install.
Embassy Commercial-Pak’s functional slope top design, available in two sizes, has a pleasing look and enhances the appearance of medical buildings, conference rooms, dining rooms, lobbies, office suites—high traffic areas that demand good looks, durability and low price.
Those contractors familiar with Embassy products know us for our higher quality products. Commercial-Pak is no exception. Tough, durable 18-gauge covers come with an electrostatically applied, oven-baked prime finish. Partial backplates are rugged 20-gauge prepainted steel. Compare Commercial-Pak with the competition—the same quality just isn’t there.
You’ll like the wide selection of enclosure and element lengths, too. Standard 14" or 20" high enclosures are packaged in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 foot lengths, elements in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 foot lengths to save time and keep the job moving. Choice of copper/aluminum or steel elements.
Ships Like Baseboard
Commercial-Pak’s 2-piece design lets us conveniently package all the required components in a single carton. Each carton contains 2-piece enclosure, backplate, brackets, hangers and cradles. Element ships separately.
Stores Like Baseboard
Commercial-Pak's baseboard-like cartons stack one on top of the other. Saves storage space in a garage or warehouse and facilitates loading and unloading trucks and vans. Easy-to-handle cartons protect the enclosures from dents, dings and scratches.
Installs Like Baseboard
Draw one level chalk line on the installation wall and you’re off to the races. Standard brackets are supplied with one or two adjustable element supports that allows a 1-1⁄8" vertical movement.
All elements are nested onto a slide cradle to support the element tube or pipe. Enclosure brackets, formed at the top, engage the top inside bend of the partial backplate. This exclusive automatic locating design really simplifies installation. The brackets, with posi-lock enclosure locks, snap and secure the enclosure bottom.
Made in the USA